What's a good medical insurance plan for someone in my situation in CA?

What's a good medical insurance plan for someone in my situation in CA?

How do I get motorbike insurance that is cheaper?
I am looking to buy my first bike and 18 years of age. I love both types of bikes but was questioning which kind wouldbe more easy on my budget. I am assuming a sports motorcycle wouldbe more pricey but simply how much more? Input could be excellent.
"Somewhat over last year
What is the energy economy and the insurance as well as the fix will surely cost a Lamborghini gallardo monthly
"The 4x4 damaged a corner end-of my Rover 75Can you record inexpensive auto- insurance  firms for young people please?

Purchasing used carWhich of these medical expenses are deductible for AGI?
The Renewal Cost of insurance Q?
What motor insurance is cheap for young people?
"I'm trying to find my car insurance declaration and so I can easily see if my man settled our insurance